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Church of St John the Baptist, Carhampton

Baptist church   Landmark & historical place  
The Church of St John the Baptist in Carhampton, Somerset, England is a Grade I listed Anglican church.The first church in the village stood to the east of the present church and was dedicated to St Carantoc a Welsh monk of the 6th century.The present church was mainly built in the Perpendicular period of the fifteenth century, however it was largely rebuilt in 1862-1863 with further work in tower rebuilt 1868-70 to rebuild the tower and add a vestry. Read more

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Popularity of Church of St John the Baptist, Carhampton

Church of St John the Baptist, Carhampton Social Media Popularity Score:
5 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Church of St John the Baptist, Carhampton has a total of 59 visitors (checkins) and 5 likes.